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Plánovaný příjezd Putina do Afriky vyvolává otázky týkající se zatčení šéfa ANC podle mezinárodního práva. Diskutuje se o omezeních daných Mezinárodním trestním soudem a významu mírového řešení konfliktů mezi Ruskem a Ukrajinou.
Sledujte, jak to ten novinář honem ukončil a začal se ptát na "domácí"
vnitrostátní problémy...Tak to dělají všechna média. Stejně jako u nás
Moravec.I ten africký prezident má víc rozumu, než celá naše vláda.
----------------------Strojový přepis videa z přílohy-------------------------
originál: Africa is a treaty member of the International Criminal Court if Putin comes here in August as planned [00:06.420 --> 00:10.980] Your government will be obliged to arrest him as head of the ANC [00:11.100 --> 00:17.460] Do you believe your government should and indeed will arrest it was according to the ANC? [00:17.900 --> 00:21.580] We will run president Putin to be here even tomorrow [00:21.900 --> 00:27.260] You would come to come to come to our country, but you will welcome Vladimir Putin here, right? [00:28.120 --> 00:32.120] A man who is being investigated for war crimes by the International Criminal Court [00:32.120 --> 00:34.440] We will welcome him to come here as part and parcel of BRICS [00:34.440 --> 00:39.760] But we know that we are constrained by the ICC in terms of doing that [00:40.160 --> 00:46.440] Putin is a head of state. Do you think that a head of state can just be arrested anywhere?