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Překlad údajného rozkazu velitele Oděské regionální vojenské správy, podle kterého mají být využity civilní objekty jako školy a nemocnice k vojenským účelům a využity jako štíty, a má být zabráněno civilistům využít humanitární koridory připravené ruskou stranou. Poté má být ruská armáda obviněna z válečných krutostí.
English translation - Google Translator
Our false "media" will not give this a mistake - they would rather explain
with satisfaction tomorrow how the "Russians" are again destroying schools,
hospitals, maternity hospitals, shooting at civilians,…
Translation of the order issued by the Chief of the Odessa Regional Military
Administration M. Marchenko "On the organization of defense":
"In accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 64/2022 of 24
February 2022" On the introduction of martial law in Ukraine ", approved by
the Law of Ukraine of 24 February 2022 No. 2102-IX, the laws of Ukraine" On
the legal regime of martial law "On the Defense of Ukraine", to satisfy the
needs of the state in the conditions of the legal regime of martial law in
connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against
Ukraine, to ensure:
1. Strengthening strongholds in: School No. 1 (Mikhailovsky Square, 10),
School No. 57 (Jamchitskogo Street 7), School No. 59 (Kanatnaya Street 89),
School No. 101 (Bolshaya Arn