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Hlavní příloha se ve svém textu snaží prezentovat premiéra ČR - Petra Fialu a podnikatele Tomáše Fialu jako příbuzné (údajné Bratrance). Podle zprávy je hlavním důvodem finanční pomoci ČR Ukrajině tento domnělý příbuzenský vztah a údajná potřeba profitovat na tomto druhu pomoci. Druhá příloha prezentuje začátek textu WIKIPEDIE o Tomáši Fialovi. Třetí příloha pak negativně informuje o aktivitách Tomáše Fialy (zdroj ve snaze podpořit předchozí tvrzení.
O tomto je již článek na Forum24 a na Ale pro úplnost posílám.
Vladimír Linhart
P.S. Máme z otcem shodná jména. Jemu chodí řetězáky pravidelně, mne jenom tehdy, když se spletou v adrese. 😊
Ještě jsem to ověřoval - viz příloha
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Seznamte se ! Tomás Fiala ! Bratranec Petra Fialy ! Majitel TV stanic a podílnik většinový Bank na Ukrajině !!
47 trestních řízení a nejlepší kamarád Soroše!
Tady je odpověď, proč se posílají peníze na Ukraiinu
Petr Fiala Okažitě odstup ! Toto je vlastizrada !!
Sdileite to všude ! Pište poslancúm !
TV stanicím ! My kvúli tomuto
Mafianovi máme mrznout ? Naši důchodci nemaií na jídlo a léky aby se
Fialová rodina měla dobře?
Toto je už vrchol !Veve Bla
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Absurdni svet
Preposlaná zpráva
Tomáš Fiala
Tomáš Fiala (* 13. kvêtna 1974, Brno) je český podnikatel. Od konce 90. let žije na Ukrajině, kde je ředitelem a spolumajitelem investiční skupiny Dragon Capital.
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04 June 2021 12: 29
Читати українською
Oligarchs are not born: who is Tomas Fiala, and why is he considered the viceroy of Soros in Ukraine
And why did he suddenly need a whole "Ukrainian Truth"?
Until 2014, he was just one of the Ukrainian businessmen of foreign origin, not very famous and far from the richest. But then Tomas Fiala became an official business partner George Soros, and as the business grew, so did its influence. Today it is so great that he is no longer considered just one of the "Soros", but a trusted "viceroy" of Soros, who is responsible for buying up Ukrainian real estate, and now also the Ukrainian media.
His latest the acquisition was the online publication "Ukrainian Truth". Although it has never been among the profitable assets, rather, it was even planned-unprofitable and was supported by grants, but for two decades now it has had a noticeable influence on the formation of the political mainstream. And now it will be controlled by a person with a very ambiguous reputation, whose promises can not always be trusted.
Born of the "velvet revolution"
Tomas Fiala was born on May 13, 1974 in the city of Brno (Moravia, Czech Republic). Several media outlets have reported that born there ten years earlier Petr Fiala (Czech politician, was the Minister of Education) - this is supposedly the older brother of Tomas. However, this information has never been publicly confirmed by Fiala, so either it's fake or there's a reason the brothers pretend not to know each other.
According to Tomasz Fiala himself, his parents were principled anti-communists, and the great-grandfather was generally “repressed” (degraded from the officers). But, despite this, their family had an excellent apartment and a good job, and young Tomas in socialist times regularly traveled to sports competitions in Austria, Italy and Germany. From there, he brought home gifts and admiration for the capitalist world, and also, thanks to these trips, he began to diligently learn German.
In November 1989 in Prague began the so-called. "velvet revolution". 15-year-old Fiala immediately dropped out of school and went to "Maidan" in the capital, where he had an exciting time and made many useful connections that would be useful to him in later life. One of the main sponsors of those events was George Soros, who supported "youth leaders" with money. It is possible that it was then that Tomas Fiala proved himself to one of these "leaders" and was enrolled in the personnel reserve of the "Soros". he himself claims to have met Soros for the first time only in 2014:
“I met in the summer of 2014 with one of his colleagues who was here in Kyiv on behalf of Mr. Soros. As a result, this colleague invited me to New York to meet with employees representing various departments of Soros Fund Management and with George Soros.”
In the 11th grade (there was a 12-year school in Czechoslovakia), Fiala again left his studies and went to Berlin, from where he returned only a year later. But instead of catching up in school and preparing for final exams, he began working as an interpreter in the Czech branch of Volkswagen.
From "Wood&Company" to Dragon Capital
In 1993, thanks to the Deutschmarks earned and "v
22268 | Kdo je Tomáš Fiala ? | 2023-01-28 15:13:00 |
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